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Papas criollas or Andean yellow potatoes are the favourite option for this recipe. This is a very popular snack in many places in Colombia and can be both a meal and party food.

Salchipapas or Sausagues and Potatoes (English version below)

Tiempo Preparacion: 5 minutes
Tiempo coccion:  20 minutes


  • 1 o 2 libras de papa criolla o papa amarilla.
  • 10 o 12 salchichas para cocktail o dos grandes cortada en trozos.
  • Aceite suficiente para freir.
  • 2 cucharadas de miel.
  • Semillas de ajonjoli o sesamo.
  • Sal y pimienta al gusto.


  1. En una olla colocar el aceite y la papa a fuego medio y dejelas freir por 10 minutos o hasta que esten blandas..
  2. En un plato con papel de cocina sacar las papas y dejar escurrir el exceso de aceite.
  3. En un sarten con poco aceite freir las salchichas y cuando esten un poco doradas agregar la miel y las semillas de ajonjoli.
  4. Servir caliente y condimentar al gusto con sal y pimienta.

Sausages and Potatoes (English version)

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes


  • 1 to 2 pounds of the yellow potatoes or Creole Andean potatoes.
  • 10 to 12 cocktail sausages o 2 big ones cuted into bitesizes
  • Oil enough to fry.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Salt y pepper to taste.


  1. In one pan put oil and the potatoes over low heat and leave  for 10 minutes until they are golden brown or soft
  2. Take them out and leave them to drain all the excess oil.
  3. In a pan with a little bit of oil saute the sausages and when they are cooked add the honey and sesame seeds.
  4. Serve them hot and season with salt and pepper to taste.