Queso Costeño o Salado
Queso Costeño o Salado –Fresh Salty Cheese (English version below) Materiales y utensilios...
Pan Trenzado con Ajonjolí
Pan Trenzado con Ajonjolí or Plaited Bread with Sesame Seeds (English version below) Ingredientes...
Croissants o Medialunas
A cross between a croissant and a brioche
Pan Rollo
Pan Rollo or Soft Bread Rolls (English version below Ingredientes para 6 o 8 Panes 250 gramos de...
Hojaldras - Hojuelas or Flakes (English version below) Ingredientes 250 gramos de harina de trigo...
Torta de Navidad con Frutos Secos
Torta de Navidad con Frutos Secos- Christmas Cake with Dry Fruits and Nuts. (English version...
Rollos de Canela
The Colombian bakery has a distinct French and Spanish influence, and it is why we have found so many similarities in our recipes.
I am very happy to have discovered achiras flour or arrowroot flour in the market. Now I can make this recipe and other ones that I miss so much.
Repollos con Crema
This is one of my favourite French pastry recipes. I remember when I was little, I use to buy some bread and “Repollos con Crema” in a small bakery near to my grandfather’s house. This bakery always prepared the best desserts.
Galletas de Canela
Los huevos pintados de colores y los conejos vivos, en efigie o de chocolate, son los protagonistas de la fiesta de la Pascua que se vive por estos días en países de Europa Central y que de allí ha llegado con fuerza a Norteamérica y algunos países de Suramérica, como Argentina, Chile y ahora Colombia.
Pan Mojicon
In Colombia we have a baker on almost every corner and the bread is always fresh and warm. This is a classic bread recipe and my children love it.
Pan de Coco
My favorite bread recipe. You can Improvise with other ingredients as well. This a delicious sweet bread and I love the vanilla an coconut flavours. It’s really a soft bread inside and crunchy on the top.
Pan Roscon con Bocadillo
This is a delicious sweet bread and I love it with the Guava’s paste inside, toffee, or with the combination of both. But we also can make them with other marmalade instead. It’s really soft bread inside and crunchy on the top.
Cuernitos con Coco
The Colombian bakery has a distinct French and Spanish influence, and it is why we have found so many similarities in our recipes. But I made this recipe with the tropical touch.
Pan Blandito
This is one of my favourite Colombian breads and the one I miss the most. But now on I can feed my cravings, making them for my family and friends.
Pan de Salvado
Mogollas Integrales or Mogollas de Salvado are the names we call these rolls. Usually In Colombia we have a baker on almost every corner and the bread is always fresh and warm.
Pastel Gloria
I love to mix sweet and sour flavours, and in Colombian cuisine we find many recipes with this mixture. This appetiser is perfect for a tea party or snack.
Pan de Leche
This bread is great when is made into small rolls. Perfect for breakfast or for the accompaniment of any meal, especially soups.
Pan con Queso
This bread is best accompanied with Chocolate drink, but also very good for soups and other meals. Also you can put some cheese inside it to make it richer.
Pan Hawaiano
This bread is well known as Hawaiian, and it’s because it contains pineapple, ham and cheese. In Colombia we love to mix sweet and sour flavours and this is perfect as a snack or a lunch.
Pan Mogolla Chicharrona
This recipe is one of my father’s favourite breads. The flavours are so well mixed that it can be a substantial snack. This bread originated in the Andes region and spread afterwards through the entire region of Colombia.
Queso Fresco
I love cheeses and I think this one is the best. Not just because it’s fresh but I also made it by myself. I am so proud of trying this recipe in my own kitchen and eating it as fresh as possible.
This Garullas or Corn Bread is very popular and is from the Soacha city close to Bogota. The recipe has been a secret for generations but now I am able to reveal it. Enjoy!
Pan Trenzado con Pasas
Pan Trenzado con Pasas or Plaited Bread with Raisins (English version below) Ingredientes 250...
Galletas de Coco
I love these biscuits in particular, because they remind me of the bakery shops with have in Colombia. Tropical and fresh flavour all included in just one bite.
Pan Calentano
This is one of the bread recipes that reminds me most of my childhood. Recreating recipes like this makes me feel closer to my beloved Colombia.
Pan Dulce en Molde
This is my new version of Pan Dulce. I have used two different techniques to make the bread rise, and I’m very please with the result, because it came up very spongy and soft in the inside.
Torta de Vino – Torta Negra
Torta de vino or torta negra is not just for Christmas. You can also make it very spongy without...
In Colombia, Milhojas is a popular dessert. This is a very flaky tart and is a fantastic sweet recipe. It’s really quite simple to make, usually using Chantilly or pastry cream between the layers of the filo pastry.
This is a very traditional Colombian cake and this recipe is particularly special because it has...
Brazo de Reina
We call this cake Brazo de Reina or Queen’s Arm, because in colonial times it was looked like the Spanish Queen’s dress. This lovely cake is one of my favourites of all time, and I’ve tried to bake as easy is possible.
This a great Colombian dessert when you add a little bit of sugar cane syrup or honey. It is also wonderful with fresh fruit, guava paste or any marmalade.
Alfajores de Maicena
I love baking and this recipe is one of my favorite “colaciones”. These biscuits are simply delicious and very popular in Latin America.
Galletas de Limón
This Lemon Biscuits are very popular on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, in particular the Departament of Cordoba. They used to cook them on wood stoves in the backyard of their homes.
Galletas de Vainilla
In Colombia we have celebrated this American tradition, for the last 40 years, and it has become one of the biggest parties for children and adults. I remember every Halloween when I was a child, going with my mum and my sister to ask for sweets in the cold Bogota nights.
Churros Colombianos
If you love doughnuts, there’s no better way to enjoy them but to make with your own hands. These ingredients are very common, you just have to knead and deep fry in oil.
Like Pandebonos, these are another kind of cheese bread, except that these are a little more...
The perfect accompaniment to Natilla at Christmas, but also good to eat at anytime of the day with a drink of chocolate.
With a delicate smell, this cheese bread is fantastic when eaten warm and its impossible to have just one!
This is a great recipe for a appetiser or snack and is very popular in the Andean region of Colombia. Very easy to make, just like the Pandebonos or Pandeyucas but with a different flour.