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Fresas con Crema

Fresas con Crema

This is a very simple and delicious dessert, In Colombia my mother use to make it on Sundays after lunch or, sometimes after we went to Church we would stop in the “Fruteria” and have one.

Fresas con Crema or Strawberries with Cream (English version below)


  • 200 gramos de fresas
  • 1 taza de doble crema o nata.
  • 1 cucharadita de vinagre balsamico
  • 1 cucharada de azucar en polvo.
  • 1 cucharada de azucar.


  1. Corte la fresas en pedazos.
  2. Marine las fresas en una taza con 1 cucharada de vinagre balsamico, azucar y dejelas alli por unos minutos.
  3. Mezcle la crema de leche y el azucar en polvo hasta que este espesa y frime.
  4. Agregue las fresas y mezcle suavemente.
  5. Coloque las fresas en una copa y decore con mas mezcla de la crema y una fresa.

Strawberries with Cream (English version)


  • 200 grams of strawberries
  • 1 cup of double cream.
  • 1 tsp of balsamic vinegar.
  • 1 tbsp of icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp of caster sugar.


  1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces and place it into a bowl.
  2. Marinate the strawberries with 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, and leave then for few minutes.
  3. Mix together the double cream and icing sugar.
  4. Add the strawberries and mix gently.
  5. Put the strawberries in a glass and decorate with more of the cream mixture and one strawberries.