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Dulce de Moras

Dulce de Moras

This is a fantatic jam which you can mix with other desserts or eat with a piece of toast. I picked this from the garden and froze for few weeks ago. It is a good and easy complement for my desserts.

Dulce de Moras or Blackberry Jam (English version below)

  • 200 gramos de moras (blackberries) lavadas y sin hojas.
  • 100 gramos de azúcar
  • 1 Astilla de canela
  • 2 clavos de olor
  • 200 mililitros de agua


  1. Se ponen todos los ingredientes en una olla a fuego medio.
  2. Se deja cocinar hasta que el jugo de las moras este espeso.
  3. Luego de cocinar se deja enfriar y se puede envasar en un recipiente con tapa.

Blackberry Jam (English version)

  • 200 grams of blackberries, washed and without leaves.
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 200 millilitres of water


  1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Allow to cook until the blackberries juice is thick.
  3. After cooking, allow to cool and it can be packaged in a container with a lid or jar.