Here is a very easy Roast Pork recipe which has become an integral part of our Latin American cuisine. Other popular forms of meat on most of the continent include goat, chicken and fish.
Costillas de Cerdo al Horno or Roast Pork Ribs (English version below)
Tiempo de preparacion: 10 minutos
Tiempo de coccion: 1 hora.
- 1 o 2 libras de Costillas de Cerdo.
- 2 cebollas
- 1 cerveza rubia.
- 1 taza de jugo de naranja agria o limon.
- Sal y pimienta al gusto.
- Cortar la cebolla, rodajas y colocarlas en un bandeja para hornear con papel de aluminio.
- Sazonar con sal y pimienta.
- Coloque las costillas de cerdo, cerveza y rocear con un poco de el jugo de naranja agria o limon.
- Cubrir con el papel alumnio y coloque al horno a 180º Celsius – 350º Fahrenheit de temperatura o gas marca 4 por 2 horas
- Retire el papel de aluminio y glazee con naranja agria o limon y dejar asar durante unos minutos hasta que el tocino este crujiente..
- Se puede glacear las costilla otra vez con mas miel antes de servir.
- Se puede servir con ensalada, papas saladas o al vapor, arepas o platanos.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Coocking time: 1 hour.
- 2 pounds of pork ribs
- 2 onions.
- 1 Beer larger.
- 1 cup of orange juice or lemon.
- Salt and peper to taste.
- Cut the onion into slices and place them in a roasting pan with aluminium foil.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Place the pork ribs into the pan, the beer and the orange juice.
- Cover with the foil and put into the oven to 180º Celsius – 350º Fahrenheit of temperature o gas mark 4 for about 2 hours.
- Remove the foil and glaze with the orange or lemon all over the pork ribs and let them roast for few minutes until the rind is crackling.
- You can glaze the ribs again once it has cooked with the honey.
- You can serve with salted or boiled potatos, corn dumplings or plantain.