In Colombia we have this lovely soup for breakfast or mid afternoon. I grew up with all these flavours around me, but now they have become more precious and it’s simply delicious and very hearty too.
Colada de Maiz or Corn Starch Sweet Soup (English version below)
- 1 litro de leche.
- 100 gramos de azucar o panela
- 1 astilla de canela
- 1 cucharada de esencia de vainilla.
- 1/4 taza Harina de fecula de maiz (Maicena o Corn flour).
- Canela en polvo para decorar.
- En una olla mediana colocar la leche, el azucar, la canela y la esencia de vainilla.
- Poner a fuego medio y dejar hervir.
- En 50 mililitros de leche, diluir la harina fecula de maiz y añadir a la mezcla, revolviendo constantemente con una cuchara de palo.
- Cuando la mezcla empieze a hacer burbujas, bajar del fuego y Servir.
Nota: Se puede servir con pan y se puede decorar con Canela en polvo
Corn Starch Sweet Soup (English version)
- 1 litre of milk.
- 100 grams of sugar.
- 1 cinnamon stick.
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract.
- 1/4 cup corn flour (Corn starch).
- Ground cinnamon powder to decorate.
- In a medium saucepan, place the milk, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla.
- Place over medium heat and bring to boil.
- In 50 ml of milk, dilute the corn flour and add to the mixture, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
- When the mixture begins to bubble, lower the heat and place in a mold.
- Cool slightly before placing in the fridge, and leave in there for a least an hour before turning out and serving.
Note: Serve with bread and decorate with ground cinnamon.