Cocktail Atardecer Caribeño

Cocktail Atardecer Caribeño

For me, Caribbean sunsets are the most beautiful thing on the whole planet. And this drink recreates them with its exotic flavour and clever combination of the colours and beverage.

Cocktail Atardecer Caribeño or Caribbean Sunset Cocktail (English version below)


1 medida es 1 copita de aguardiente o chupito

  • 1 medida (1/2 copita) de Ron
  • 1 medida de Cointreau
  • 1 1/2 medida de jugo de piña
  • 1 1/2 medida de jugo de naranja
  • 1/4 medida de jugo de limon
  • 1/2 medida de almibar de granadina
  • Hielo picado


  1. Mezclar en una jarra o cocktelera todos ingredientes excepto la granadina
  2. Agregar los la granadina en el fondo de la copa .
  3. Luego vertir, la mezcla en cada vaso.

Caribbean Sunset Cocktail  (English version)


  • 1 measure of Rum
  • 1  measure of  Cointreau
  • 1 1/2  measure of lemon pinapple.
  • 1 1/2  measure of lemon orange.
  • 1/4  measure of lemon juice.
  • 1/2 measure of  Grenadine syrup.
  • Crushed Ice


  1. Mix and shake all the ingredients except the grenadine syrup and use a mixer.
  2. Place the grenadine syrup into the glass .
  3. Pour the mix in each glass.