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Cocktail Margarita de Uchuva

Cocktail Margarita de Uchuva

This is a wonderful and new Colombian Cocktail, perfect for a party. The physali’s fruit gives it a very distinctive Colombian twist and makes a really good combination with the tequila.

Cocktail Margarita de Uchuva or Physali’s Margarita Cocktail  (English version below)


  • 1 medida de Tequila
  • 1  medida  de triplesec
  • 2  medidas de Jugo de Uchuva.
  • 1/2 cucharadita de limon
  • Hielo picado


  1. Hacer el jugo de uchuvas en la licuadora con 50 gramos de uchuvas y 50 mililitros de agua y colarlo..
  2. Mezclar todos los ingredientes en una jarra o cocktelera.
  3. Escarchar el borde de la copa con un poco de azucar.
  4. Luego vertir,la mezcla en cada copa.

Physali’s Margarita Cocktail  (English version)

  • 1 Measure of Tequila
  • 1/2 Measure of triple sec.
  • 2 measures of Physali’s juice.
  • 1/2 tsp of lemon juice.
  • Crushed Ice


  1. Make the Physali’s juice in a blender mixing 50 grams of Phisalys fruit with 50 mililitres of water and strain it.
  2. Mix and shake all the ingredients together in a mixer.
  3. Serve in a cocktail glass and sprinkle with sugar to crystallize the lemon of the glass.
  4. Pour the mix in each glass