Lulo or Naranjilla is a very exotic and delicious fruit. I tried this new cocktail in Colombia last time I was there. I love the acidity, and the colour is so tempting and refreshing, just like the original Lulada juice we have in the Cauca region of Colombia.
Cocktail Lulada Valluna (English version below)
- 1 medida de ron blanco u oscuro (Opcional)
- 1 taza de jugo de Lulo o Naranjilla.
- 2 cucharadas de azúcar morena o muscovado.
- 1/2 cucharada de limón
- Hielo picado
- Hojas de menta para decorar.
- Hacer el jugo de lulo en la licuadora con 50 gramos de fruta y 50 mililitros de agua y colarlo.
- Mezclar todos los ingredientes excepto la menta en una jarra o coctelera.
- Escarchar el borde de la copa con un poco de azúcar.
- Luego verter, la mezcla en cada copa y adornar con hojas de menta.
Cocktail Lulada Valluna (English version)
- 1 Measure of Dark or white rum (Optional)
- 1 cup of Lulo’s or Naranjilla juice.
- 2 tbsp of muscovado sugar.
- 1/2 tsp of lemon juice.
- Crushed Ice.
- Mint leaves to decorate.
- Make the Lulo’s juice in a blender mixing 50 grams of fruit with 50 mililitres of water and strain it.
- Mix and shake all the ingredients except the mint together in a mixer.
- Serve in a glass and sprinkle with sugar to crystallize the lemon of the glass.
- Pour the mix in each glass and decorate with mint leaves.