This is my new spring cocktail. I love Dubonnet just as it is but I also like to mix this very popular and spicy drink and transform into spring drink. I used to have one sometimes just before Sunday Lunch or special dinners.
Cocktail Aperitivo de Primavera or Spring Aperitif Cocktail (English version below)
- 1 medida de Dubonnet
- 2 medidas de jugo de maracuya.
- 1 rodaja de limón
- Cubos de hielo
- Hacer el jugo de maracuya en la licuadora con 50 gramos de fruta y 50 mililitros de agua y colarlo.
- Mezclar todos los ingredientes en una jarra o cocktelera.
- Enfriar la copa con el hielo y luego descartarlo.
- Luego verter, la mezcla en cada copa.
- Decorar con una cascara de limón y una cereza.
Spring Aperitif Cocktail (English version)
- 1 measure of Dubonnet.
- 2 measures of Passion fruit juice.
- 1 Slice o Lemon.
- Ice cubes.
- Make the passion fruit juice in a blender with 50 grams of fruit and 50 milliliters of water and strain.
- Mix all ingredients in a jar or shaker.
- Cool the glass with ice and then discard it.
- Then pour the mixture into each cup.
- Garnish with a cherry lemon peel.