I love coffee and chocolate – and coffee and chocolate are even better together! This is my great finale after a good working day, but also perfect for a dinner party with friends or family.
Cafe Mocachino or Mochaccino Coffee (English version below)
Ingredientes (por taza)
- un cafe espresso.
- 1/2 taza de leche, espumada en la licuadora.
- 1 cucharada de chocolate en polvo.
- Crema batida (opcional).
- Preparar un cafe fuerte y agregar el chocolate en polvo en el y revolver muy bien.
- Viertirla mezcla de cafe en una taza y se cubir con una generosa capa de espuma de leche.
- Agregue por encima la crema batida (opcional)
- Sirva con barquillos de cafe.
Mochaccino Coffee (English version)
Ingredients (per cup)
- 1 espresso.
- 1/2 cup of milk, frothed.
- 1 tbsp of chocolate drink powder.
- Whipped cream (optional).
- Prepare your espresso and add the chocolate drink powder to it and stir very well.
- Pour your coffee mix in your cup and cover it with a generous layer of frothed milk.
- Top it with whipped cream (optional).
- Serve with In cafe curls on the side.