In Colombia it is known as curuba, curuba de Castilla, or curuba sabanera blanca. The Curuba is a fruit native from the Andean valleys. It’s name in English is Banana Passion fruit for its similarity to these fruits.
Batido de Curuba or Banana Passionfruit Smoothie (English version below)
- 10 Curubas
- 2 Taza de agua
- 1/2 Taza de Leche
- 1/4 de taza de crema de leche o nata
- Hielo picado
- 3 cucharadas de Azucar
- Cortar en dos las curubas y utilizar todas la pulpa con la semilla.
- Licuar junto con el agua y colar.
- Agregar la leche, crema de leche, azucar y el hielo picado.
- Licuar o batir nuevamente hasta que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados.
- Servir en vasos.
Banana Passionfruit Smoothie (English version)
- 10 Banana Passionfruit (Curubas)
- 2 cup water
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/4 cup double cream or heavy cream
- Crushed ice
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Cut in two the Banana Passionfruit (Curubas) and use all the seed pulp.
- Blend together with water and strain.
- Add milk, cream, sugar and crushed ice.
- Blend or whisk again until all ingredients are well blended.
- Serve in glasses.