Avena Helada or Oats Drink is a very traditional drink. You can see it sometimes in Colombia, street vendors with carts selling it along with other Colombian delicatessens. This is a kind of drink you can serve at any time of day.
Avena Helada or Oats Drink (English version below)
- cucharadas de avena
- 1 taza de agua
- 1 taza de leche
- 1 astilla de canela
- 3 cucharadas de azúcar
- Una pizca de sal
- En una olla mediana poner el agua, avena, azúcar, canela y sal.
- Cocinar a fuego medio revolviendo continuamente.
- Cuando empiece a hervir agregar la leche.
- Dejar hervir la mezcla por unos minutos y luego bajar del fuego.
- Colar y dejar enfriar un poco antes de ponerla a la nevera, por minimo 30 minutos.
- Se puede servir con algunos cubos de hielo.
Oats Drink (English version)
- 4 tablespoons of oats
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Pinch of salt
- In a medium saucepan put the water, oats, sugar, cinnamon and salt.
- Cook over medium heat stirring constantly.
- When it starts boiling add the milk.
- Boil the mixture for a few minutes and then lower the heat.
- Strain and let cool slightly before putting it into the refrigerator for minimum 30 minutes.
- Serve with some ice cubes.