by Nohora | Feb 25, 2013 | Appetisers
The corn muffin, more commonly known as “bollo”, is an indigenous corn dough wrapped in corn leaves that is cooked in boiling water. Typically from the Colombian Caribbean Coast, I have tried this using a slightly different technique and the flavour is...
by Nohora | Feb 25, 2013 | Appetisers
Pasabocas con Bollo de Maíz or Corn Muffins Appetiser (English version below) Ingredientes 250 gramos de granos de mazorca (Pueden ser congeladas) 100 gramos de harina de maiz amarilla o harina precocida para arepas o tortillas mejicanas 50 gramos de mantequilla...
by Nohora | Feb 25, 2013 | Appetisers
This is the kind of breakfast you must have a least every other morning, especially when the winter and cold arrives! It’s good for you, plus it keeps the tummy satisfied all morning. Colada de Avena or Porridge (English version below) Ingredientes para 2...
by Nohora | Feb 25, 2013 | Appetisers
This is a great salad for accompanying a special meal. Fantastic for dinner parties or for a good snack as well. Ensalada de Arroz Agridulce or Sweet and Sour Rice Salad (English version below) Ingredientes sirve 8 o 10 porciones 4 taza de arroz blanco ya cocido (ver...
by Nohora | Feb 25, 2013 | Appetisers
My family comes from the Altiplano Cundiboyacense region, where there are two types of Mazamorra soups – a sweet one and one with vegetables. Both are delicious and we used to cook them almost every week. Mazamorra Dulce or Sweet White Hominy Soup (English...