by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
This is a simple and easy recipe, perfect for any midweek meal. Colourful and really tasty like many of our latin foods. Arroz con Chorizo y Camarones or Rice with Chorizo and Prawns (English version below) Ingredientes 500 gramos de camarones precocidos. 2 chorizos...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
I used to go to the Tolima region, to a friends house, when I was a child and sometimes we would cook this recipe on a wood fire near the river. It’s popularly called “Paseo de olla”. Sancocho Tolimense or Tolima’s Stew (English version below)...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
This is a great and a delicious recipe for any day meal. Cooking this recipe gives me such good memories about meeting my friends and sharing a good time. Pollo en Salsa de Champiñones or Chicken in Mushroom Sauce (English version below) Ingredientes para 4 porciones...
by Nohora | Mar 8, 2013 | Main Dishes
This meat, when cooked slowly and steamed in a pressure cooker, is very tender and soft. Sobrebarriga en Salsa or Flank- Skirt Steak in Sauce (English version below) Ingredientes 1000 gramos de Sobrebarriga o Carne de falda 1 cebolla blanca finamente picada 2 dientes...
by Nohora | Mar 5, 2013 | Main Dishes
“Cuchuco” is a very hearty thick soup, made with semi peeled and chopped or crushed wheat grain, some vegetables and meat. It’s very popular from the Andean region of Colombia. Cuchuco de Trigo or Bulgur Wheat Soup (English version below) Cuchuco es...