by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
This is a classic Caribbean recipe, very popular in San Andres and Providencia. And like many of those dishes, it includes ginger and coconut milk as a main flavour. Pollo Asado con Arroz Caribeño or Roast Chicken with Caribbean Rice (English version below)...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
Lentils are a very popular cereal in Colombian cuisine and often accompanys other ingredients making a good composition of flavours. This is a great meal, perfect for a lunch! Guiso de Lentejas con Carne or Lentils Stew with Beef (English version below) Tiempo...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
Pollo Campesino or Country Chicken is one of the easiest recipes to make. It’s delicious for every day lunch or dinner. And you can add other vegetables and decorate with some slices of plantain. Pollo Campesino or Country Chicken (English version below)...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
Normally the soups in our cuisine are very thick and hearty. My kind of soup for a cold day! Sopa de Cereales Mixtos or Soup of Mix Cereals (English version below) Sirve 4 a 6 porciones Ingredientes 250 gramos de cereales mixtos (Lentejas negras y lentejas naranja,...
by Nohora | Mar 18, 2013 | Main Dishes
This is my version of this family favourite meal, and in almost every town in Colombia there is a restaurant which cooks Roast Chicken. The orange helps it to keep very juicy and tender. Pollo Asado or Roast Chicken (English version below) Ingredientes 1 pollo entero...